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Sustainability Policy

As the world’s leading sustainability standard, our mission is to help embed responsible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly practices to help businesses reduce their environmental impact. We recognize the impact of our own business activities on the environment in doing this and work to limit the day-to-day impact of our own actions by implementing responsible tourism practices.

This Eco-Sustainability Policy formalizes our commitment to supporting the principles of environmental sustainability and recognizes that a sustainable environment is central to our lives and our work. 

CHURCHILL SAFARIS & TRAVEL is committed to managing its activities to promote responsible tourism, environmental sustainability, conserve and enhance our natural resources, prevent environmental pollution and bring about continual improvement in our environmental performance. 

The aim of this Environmental Sustainability Policy is to integrate a philosophy of environmental sustainability into all of the company’s activities through attracting travelers from a large diversity of sustainability market segments that are interested in spending more, staying longer, visit year round and leaving behind added value for Uganda as a destination. Also in addition, to establish and promote sound environmental practice in our operations. We will achieve this by:

  • Informing staff and stakeholders of our commitment to the environment and sustainability.
  • Supporting the implementation of responsible environmental practices within our company.
  • Monitoring the progress of the responsible environmental practices.
  • Communicating the outcome of the responsible environmental practices to relevant stakeholders.
  • Monitoring and managing our environmental performance and working towards targets set to reduce adverse impacts.
  • Complying with all relevant international, national, state and local environmental policy, practices, regulations and legislation, and industry-specific best practice.
  • Reducing the consumption of natural resources in daily operations, including water, paper and energy.
  • Maximizing the recycling of resources through reducing of single use plastics, with this practice we have eliminated usage of plastic mineral water bottles for our clients and also staff members in office.
  • Disposing of all waste appropriately, and minimizing waste sent to non-recyclable disposal sites.
  • there is a break in activities and as a result also having more time to engage with communities.
  • Committing to the principles of preventing pollution to the environment and continual improvement in our environmental management.
  • Minimising pollution by taking steps to limit carbon emissions resulting from the safari vehicles and air travel.
  • Where possible, encouraging suppliers to meet the highest standards of environmental performance.

CHURCHILL SAFARIS & TRAVEL commits to increasing opportunities for nature to thrive on the assets we own, lease or manage. This includes, safari vehicles, land, water and structures which we have a financial interest in, own, lease, or otherwise manage. 

We are committed to biodiversity, and will work to ensure our actions on the assets we own or manage do not have a detrimental impact on the natural environment and will support biodiversity. 

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